Proverbs of Solomon

Chapters 1 through 9

I first read the proverbs when I was about l8 or 19 years old.  

It made a lasting impression on me.  

Solomon was said to be the wisest man who had ever lived.  

His wisdom was a matter of renown

throughout the ancient world.  

Numerous legends and tales abound.  

Especially the story of the Queen of Sheba

coming to visit him.

After collecting all of the proverbs into the book,

Solomon wrote a short discourse on life.  

Not dissimilar to Ecclesiastes.  

It provides a sort of a code

and a way of thinking about life.  

And a way to avoid obvious

and well known traps and troubles.

Seems VERY pertinent today,

as it did when I was younger.

That discourse is found

as a sort of a preface in

Proverbs chapters 1-9.

I call this "my code of conduct"

and "call to arms".

One can hear future echoes

of Isaiah, and Oh,Emmanuel, quite easily.

Hope you enjoy.

Proverbs 1 through 5.mp3

Proverbs 1 through 5.mp3 Proverbs 1 through 5.mp3
Size : 46445.867 Kb
Type : mp3

Proverbs 6 through 9.mp3

Proverbs 6 through 9.mp3 Proverbs 6 through 9.mp3
Size : 38255.051 Kb
Type : mp3